Tips for Choosing Products for Oily Skin

From squalane to essential oils and beyond, folks who struggle with oily skin have likely received endless advice about how to manage it. With so many options on the market, it can be difficult to tell which ones are actually effective and which might just make your skin care issues worse. The next time you go shopping for products to help manage your oily skin, take a look at the ingredient list. These ingredients are among the most effective for actually helping your complexion without causing additional skin care issues.
Squalane for Proper Hydration
Having skin that is properly hydrated is of the utmost importance, regardless of how oily your skin may naturally be. Unfortunately, many people who have an oily skin type fail to properly hydrate their skin because they think the moisture will make their complexion even shiner or that it will produce more oil. In fact, your skin produces more oil when it is dehydrated because it thinks that it needs the moisture. Squalane is one of the best options for folks with oily skin because it hydrates the skin without making it greasy, allowing for a proper balance of hydration in the skin.
Matte Without Makeup
If you’ve looked at any beauty blog lately, you already know that matte skin is one of the hottest makeup trends right now. It is especially appealing to people with oily skin, who often have trouble achieving a look that is not shiny. Unfortunately, matte makeup can significantly dry out your skin, leading to flaking and even premature wrinkles, even if you are using a product with squalane on top of it. Clay is one of the most effective ingredients for creating a matte complexion without drying the skin. It is packed with nutrients and will safely pull excess oil from the surface of the face.
Reducing Natural Oil
If you have naturally oily skin, you know your skin texture is just part of your body chemistry and not likely the results of anything you have eaten or put on your face. This means you need an ingredient in your skin care products that will naturally reduce your oil output. Glycolic acid is extremely effective for reducing natural oil production in the skin. Not only that, but it helps clear out blockages as a result of the oils, preventing clogged pores, and pimples.